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L’imprimé léopard, tendance mode de la rentrée

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L’imprimé léopard est de retour ! Ce motif intemporel souvent catalogué comme vulgaire s’est faufilé sur les podiums des Fashion Week, mais également dans les dressings des « it girls » du moment. Porté en jupe, robe, bikini, chaussures et même top, cet imprimé se décline à toutes les sauces et pour tous les styles. Tentées par cette tendance, mais peu inspirées ? Florilège de looks repérés sur Instagram.

Le must, la jupe léopard


Never lost in Paris.

Une publication partagée par Iga Wysocka (@igawysocka) le

Imprimé sur une robe fluide, le léopard apporte une touche féline


En accessoire, le léopard fait mouche

L e o ? #bouclesdoreilles #leopardprint #stradivarius #outfit

Une publication partagée par MARINE ? (@marine_macaron) le

Crop top et palazzo imprimé, la formule gagnante


En sandales pour les plus discrètes


Hello! Just realising I never really ever introduced myself on here, so what better way to welcome all the new guys. 1. I’m a mum of two girls, 2 lots of HG and 2 emergency sections…I love them dearly ? 2. Dated my husband for 11 years before we married, married for 7 years. We met at Neros nightclub 3. I’m a total homebird but dream of travelling 4. I hate that social class exists. We all breathe the same air. Everyone’s welcome at my table 5. I am 5ft 2 6. I’ve a purple belt in jujitsu and know I would have reached black if circumstances were different 7. I lack confidence generally but can chat away to anyone 8. My career is science based but have had a dream for years of doing something creative. Currently living out that dream by photographing weddings – second shooter 9. It’s been agreed in our house that I keep attempts at idioms or « sayings » indoors. I usually get them completely wrong! 10. I’ve completed 2 marathons 11. When I was little I couldn’t get to sleep unless my duvet was over my ears 12. I love reality tv – I’m counting the weeks until the next love island 13. I wanted to marry Ronan Keating when i was little 14. I can’t see without my glasses but used to forget them every day for school. 15. I think through every conversation I have with new people and scrutinise what I’ve said and usually cringe! Anything else…ask away! #introducingme #welcome #hello #hellonewfollowers #niblogger #ukblogger #discoverunder2k #hydrangrea #bloomsofinstagram #bloomsoftheday #fblogger #leopardprint #summer2018

Une publication partagée par ?Michelle? (@two_daisies) le

Un top léopard, au top


Robe midi imprimée léopard pour affronter la jungle urbaine


Prêtes à rugir comme un léopard?

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